Sophia is still deciding her final college destination, so I can’t tell you where she will be next year, but I can tell you that she will go far! She’s bright and happy and full of life.

Sophia is still deciding her final college destination, so I can’t tell you where she will be next year, but I can tell you that she will go far! She’s bright and happy and full of life.
Michael and Kari met at the University of Washington, so it was the perfect location for our shoot. The best part is that we planned it in time to enjoy the cherry blossoms on campus! Hundreds were there with us, but that didn’t stop us from enjoying them too!
Mitchel is a 2019 senior and he wanted something industrial and rugged for his shoot. When your studio is the great outdoors, you never know what your going to find on a shoot. We found a missing building, lol! Yep, the building I was going to use had been torn down and now there were new opportunities in that spot. It made me explore more, which is good and we were able to find some cool spots.
We had such a beautiful March day to kicked off my spring senior sessions… oh, how I have missed my seniors! Hannah is a Yelm senior and we had a great time searching for spring clues at the park. I mean, it was just snowing a few weeks ago, so spring is just starting to pop out :).
Brianna and Anton were married on a beautiful March day! It started at Hotel Murano and continued to the High Cedars Golf Course.
Brianna and Anton are getting married tomorrow at the High Cedar Golf Course. I’m so happy that the weather looks like it’s going to cooperate with us, since we have been having March snow! I mean, come on, spring is just a few days away!