Connie Riggio Seattle Tacoma Photographer » Seattle Tacoma Senior Family and Wedding Photographer

Welcome to the Riggio's Parade of Trees

This post is dedicated to my sister, who is in Arizona and can’t see my house at Christmas time. Please join with us in celebrating this beautiful season.

The Parlor Tree – this is the only “real” tree in the house
Christmas Tree
Every year I look forward to Christmas… I love decorating and adding new ornaments to my trees, I love Jesus and celebrating His birth, I love spending time with family, shopping, the Nutcracker ballet, the cold crisp weather, the music, everything… and even though it was in December, 16 years ago, that my mom passed away I have chosen to still love this season.

December has so lifted my spirits. I am thankful to have a man that loves me in a way I have always dreamed of, kids that are good people and happy (for the most part :)), extended family that are loving and supportive in every way and friends that are genuine.

Christmas Ornament
The Parlor tree is the family tree, the one that we pick out at the tree farm together, the one that has pictures of us through the years and the one that the presents are under Christmas morning. One of my favorite pictures on the tree is of Joe and I when we were only 17 taken during my senior photo session at Yuen Lui. In the 80’s everyone went to Yuen Lui for their photos and always indoor shots… things have changed today and that has helped me with my business since everything I do is on-location!  On-location sessions make you feel like a star.  I love that!

Don’t you love  Joe’s mullet (or in 80’s language – bi-level), not that mine was not embarrassing with the heavily sprayed feather goin’ on.
Christmas Ornament

The Dining Room Tree – this is our special tree

Christmas Tree
On it you will find glass ornaments representing people, vacations, events and places.

I add new ones every year and this year I added an umbrella representing all the rain we get in Washington!

Christmas Ornament
Cowboy boots since Joe has purchased so many pairs this year!
Christmas Ornament
And… one for me :), perfect don’t you think!
Christmas Tree
There are also 2 extra special ones from our trip to New York that were also added this year.

Christmas ornament
Christmas Ornament

The Basement Tree – since the basement is Joe’s high class “man cave” this is the instrument tree

Christmas Tree
I love this one almost as much as the dining room tree. I added 10 ornaments this year, since I upgraded it from a small one to a full size one.
There is another change in this room too… new carpet. Don’t you love the design! There are also new bamboo floors behind it that you can’t see in this picture. Someday maybe I will blog about all the changes we have made to the house this year. We have changed almost every room with new carpets, throw rugs, furniture, art, plants, wall color, etc. I am done for this year, exhausted for now.

The Master Bedroom Tree
Christmas Tree
When I was a kid I always wanted a tree in my bedroom and for years now I have had one. One year I even left it up all year long!  I know, a little too extreme even for me… but not really!
Christmas Tree
The ornament colors are warm and pick up the rich color of the new carpet (LOVE IT!!!) and the colors of the walls…. very comforting…
Christmas Ornament

Nick’s Tree
Christmas Nutcracker
Both kids got updates to their bedrooms this year. Nick has had the same room since he was a toddler, so we painted it and got him all new furniture and carpet.

Teenage boy bedroom

The kids both have ornaments that represent the things they love. For Nick it’s penguins, Coke, swimming (water polo) and video games.

Christmas Ornament

Amanda’s Tree
Christmas Tree
Amanda has informed me that when she has a house she is going to have lots of trees too. I told her I would come help her decorate and she said, “no mom, YOU are going to DO the decorating for me.”  We are already thinking of different themes for each one.

Amanda is a ballerina so there are lots of ornaments that represent dancing, pointe shoes and the Nutcracker.
Christmas Tree Ornament
And she loves reading comics.
Christmas Tree Ornament
She also got new carpet and a new wall color (ceiling too – the Pooh clouds are gone :()

This year she decided she wanted to collect snowflake ornaments, so in the future she can have a snowflake tree… what have I created?
Christmas Ornament

That;s all 6 of them! I would have more if I could find the room.

Hope you enjoyed my trees. Come again :).

I love comments so please leave me one! Remember to visit my holiday special page to get in on the special deal for December.
xoxoxo, Connie

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  • December 10, 2009 - 1:28 am

    Rhonda Mackert - Your trees are beautiful! I have to say my favorite is the music tree, but your master bedroom tree is a close second. (It’s similar to the tree we do; same colors etc.) I love the espresso machine, camera and cowboy boot ornaments!ReplyCancel

  • December 10, 2009 - 2:53 am

    Melissa Blyth - Hi Connie … I just love the trees and the creativity that goes into decorating all of them… So pretty! I also loved the expresso machine … and camera … too funny! My kids have trees in their rooms as well and Jack’s is a “football tree” … that was easy to decorate because he has footballs sticking out of it … and a helmet on the top! 🙂 He loves it!

    I hope you do blog about all the changes you have made in the house because it was so fun to see the pictures – I loved the carpet!! And being that I live so far – I can’t just stop by for a visit!! (smile)

    I just loved the pictures …. thanks for sharing!!!ReplyCancel

    • December 10, 2009 - 6:44 am

      connieriggiophotography - Thank you Melissa. The football tree sounds fun! Cool idea! I will work on a future post about the changes… in the house, but would rather you stop by 🙂 wink, wink…ReplyCancel

  • December 10, 2009 - 2:54 am

    serviceguitarrepair - Beautiful post! Not as beautiful as in person though. I love how you love this season. You can’t help but know how much you love it by visiting our house.ReplyCancel

  • December 10, 2009 - 4:56 pm

    floyddirector - Connie, love the trees and the new lens really makes this post!ReplyCancel

  • December 11, 2009 - 11:36 pm

    Kari Caliguri - Connie,

    I just loved looking at your tree photos! They are so beautiful and your home is just lovely. It was fun to read the stories behind each tree. Thanks for sharing!

    Merry Christmas,


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